Logically deconstructing the question, I see the first component as, "What experience did you gain?"
- Cross-functional project management can be a full-time job. Unless the focus is on developing one's own staff, assigning one person to tackle this kind of project management in tandem with operations management is risky for the organization.
- People can make work harder than it has to be. Something that only involves a few hours of technical work can end up taking several days, due to barriers that other people erect for myriad reasons. And because those barriers are erected by people, removing those barriers becomes extremely time-consuming and exhausting.
- When working with Salesforce, iterate frequently and demonstrate progress continuously. Adding new functionality to Salesforce is easy, and as a result it's easier and more productive to release features rapidly in small batches. In short, an agile approach to feature delivery would be best in Salesforce.